I'm tryinggg reallllllllllll harrrrddddddddddd toooo puuuttt thhattt eggooo siiddee offf meee awaaayyyyyy.. IIIIII dooonnnttt wannnnaaa rruuuiinnn eevrrrytthhiiinnggggggggg....Nottee thattt ii'lll ressiiisstt myyseellff frooommmm sttatttinngg sommetthiinngg neegaattiive toodayy okkayy.
But then, I resisted myself from saying anything . HEHEHE.
So, smile anna smile. Today is a great day. =D
She said, be thankful for the good things, and forget the bad things. She's right.
Today I was out with her. And also Ina,Mizah and Aleen. Today, I met Zul. Today, Doraemon texted me. Today finally I'll get to fill my phone up to 500 songs. Today, Karlisyle called me. Today, I was so independent that I went shopping at Cold Storage alone.And I bought strawberries. =)
And today, I got myself a new friend. (:
So damn cute. Stuff like these makes me happy so dont mind my collection. I still love you bongok. x)
See, so screw the bad thoughts, bad karma, the negative baddd naughty evil karmas..go away shoo shoo. Leave me alone, let me be happy with all the good thoughts. Go away you. hehhehehe =)
He answered the tag like this.
5 girls/guys you are currently liking:
1. Eliz
2. Amanda
3. Anna
4. Beth
5. Beefie
Isnt it all the same person? T.T
p/s: i hate ana for watching twilight without me. why does everyone watches the movie i want to watch the most? ish ish ish wanna find new partner to watch twilight and drool over the guy alrdy. x(*
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