Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Dont touch me dont touch me.

*Watch the baby video below, and then ya know what my title meant.:]

..I was watching MTV Crib just now.

And the guy hosting was this guy from the song "Only one.".
Then I tried to remember what the band was,
cos the song was one of the songs me and my friends use to like for a while back then.
Then I suddenly jumped and screamed out loud..Yellow something something!
And my mom was like "Crazy girl.", and shook her head.wakakaka!

It was Yellowcard :]

*Bands just have the same pose,everytime.

Anyway, Hare texted me just now :
Elizabeth Amanda Annabeth Lee.. Go back to Kuantan soon!! I'm here for the next two freaking weeks and you better come and see me!

I replied :
Hareraj Kunaraj!! I am back in Kuantan. =p

Hareraj Kunaraj:
Better get your as* here tmrow.

I can't believe that we use to hang out everyday in school then now, we only meet once every i don't know ..maybe in months? The last time we hang out was with Carol,Nicole, and Ridhwan. Played pool and had our jelly ice at the beach. :]

Haha I am beginning to feel like I'm this emo freak that writes emo stuff all the time.
Hey emo's are not that bad okay mind you. No offense, I find them pwetty interesting. huhuhu!

I guess... enough of flashbacks on my past? dorh, I can't help it. I mean, told cha my blog's gonna be a little private and personal than my previous blog? Haha at least theres someone, I meant something that I feel comfortable expressing myself since all this time, my friends often wonder what am I actually thinking. Scary huh? :p Okie, I've might change a little. I learnt to open up a little maybe? Finally, I found some sensitivity in me. hahah very funny.On the other hand, its scary to think and wonder who is actually reading your blog. I'm risking my life here. *shows the dramatic face kekeke*.

.......I'm hyper today. hahahA! :]

Don't cha know that Lindsay Lohan's gonna marry her lesbo partner soon? Its really unbelievable to see this little girl from Parent Trap grows up to be a totally different person than we thought she would be. Btw, did you notice that there's always this celebrity rival where angel versus the devil? I meant, back then, we had Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. So, Britney is the screwed up one now and Christina is the successful momma now.( Btw.. I just wish I can murder those paparazzis ,and leave Brit alone. *shoots). And now we have Lindsay Lohan and Hilary Duff. Where Hilary Duff,obviously the goody-two-shoes and not forgetting really hot! =)

Anyway, I wanted to say that how odd that nowadays we have lesbo and gay weddings. But on the other hand, its cute lar I think! I mean, they're able to feel what normal couples feel you know.
You remember I told ya that I had this experience with this lesbian friend of mine? Well, I still see her around though, she's so over me keke.

I have nothing to tell about today. :]
My internet's down, my MSN's down.Bitcomet's down.. ngeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Here's some videos that will make you go.. awwwwwwww :] thanks koi.

And another. since they disabled the link for public so click here.

Beybye! *walrus language* kekekeke.
p/s: I'll update alot during this two weeks break lar okie? And I hope I wont be abandoning it like what I did to my previous blog. Not my fault college disabled blogger. Takut sy blackmail kot. lols:]


Song lyrics | Bila Aku Sudah Tiada lyrics

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