Saturday, January 17, 2009


Hyeeeeeeeeeeeeee everyone (:

Today, is in fact a boring day. My day was super dull, woke up & face my laptop. And eat eat eat, when only i'm gonna lose weight? hahaha!
I'm gonna make full use of my holidays. Today, had been a failure, cos i've never really did anything today. I gotta keep up with my life, find some things to do,. I'm gonna make a long long list of things to do, cos time is precious and i'm not gonna waste it.

But, though i never really did anything. Today , was good and meaningful anyway. I spent time with my momma and sister, finally after so long. (: I watched my Edward Cullen on Twilight again! I listen to my bestfriend stories and laugh about it. Caroline texted me from Perth. And I made someone happy. Thats a great start for me. isn't it?

Things happen for a reason. A month back was hell, but then bad things happen so good things can come and fit into it. Yes, it does. Trust me.

Gawd, Anna is back. I'm being the positive and cheesy me again. Gotta keep doing it,and dont break down anytime soon. Note to self : Exams on April, gotta get good results to get into UPM. xD

Went for dinner with mom and sis at Bayleaf.
p/s: someone owe me tomyam. come back to ktn faster!

Belle and Momma (:

Night, went to the beach with the best friend Hareraj Kunaraj , and his blur cousin and his bro,Tharma. It was really cold, though it wasnt raining. Nicole couldn't join us for some reasons. But wish to meet u before u leave syg. Cheer up okie? (:

Shyt always happens,
but i hope those shyts dont bring you down.
Just hang on there, i'll always be there for you.
I promised (: rawr.

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